

Life presents itself in an endless variety of expressions, yet the essence of life is one. Umoyah refers to that essence of everything, including you. Literally, the word Umoyah means All is One.

Rocks and rivers appear as separate, while the sky appears as one. Life has both gross and subtle expressions, and as the expressions of life become more subtle, the sense of separation ceases to exist. Two rocks can never become one, but two rivers can meet and merge into one. The sky, which is even more subtle, already appears as one.

The same applies to every human being. There is the body, subtler still is the mind, and subtler than that is awareness. In our mind, we experience life as dual: black and white, hot and cold, left and right, pleasure and pain, and so on. However, our awareness is that which perceives all the dual experiences of the mind, but it is not dual itself. There is no left or right in awareness; there is simply awareness.

The only variable awareness has is its wakefulness. It can be dull or wakeful. When dull, we are driven by the polarities of the mind and experience ourselves as an expression of duality. In duality we can only exist in relation to something else, which makes us feel incomplete, insufficient, and dependent. Even when our external life is perfectly fine, we suffer.

Attempting to resolve this feeling of incompleteness by applying practices, therapies, and techniques without understanding the essence of suffering inevitably leads to what we call mopping while the water is still running, or, in other words, going in circles. Once we understand this, we can apply practices and techniques that transcend the limitations of the mind, gradually leading us back to the essence of our being.

Marvin Foe Aman

Marvin grew up in Ede. There his parents owned a gym, and their entrepreneurial lifestyle had a big influence on him. He knew he wanted to become an entrepreneur, but had no idea in what field. His father hoped he would take over the family business.

During his studies in Amsterdam (Commercial Economics), Marvin got recruited by a multinational and quickly advanced within the company. He travelled across Europe to lead workshops and seminars with thousands of people. Despite this success, Marvin continued searching for deeper meaning.

When his father got chronically ill, he started looking into alternative treatments alongside conventional medicine. Marvin spent six months interning with a medical and neuropathic doctor. For a while, his father's health improved, but despite leading a healthy lifestyle, he eventually fell ill again. Searching for anything that could help his father, he started looking into meditation and yoga.

Not long after, something out of the ordinary happened. One evening, while meditating, Marvin experienced something remarkable: for the first time in his adult life, his mind became completely still. This moment marked the beginning of a self-discovery journey.

In the years that followed, Marvin dedicated himself to consciousness work. He completed trainings in breathwork, hatha- and raja yoga, reike, and hypnotherapy, while being guided on the path of self-realisation by a teacher from the Advaita Vedanta tradition.

Today, Marvin uses all of his experience to help others in their journeys of self-awareness. Each person's journey is different, and his goal is to provide people with the right tools to unlock their full potential.

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